...from a society that claims they are opposed to animal abuse...

See for yourself...

Animal Abuse 101 is alive and well in animal agriculture. Many farmed animals spend their short lives in intensive confinement, in the crowded and dark sheds that line factory farms or even more extremely confined, as are the pigs kept in gestation crates during pregnancy and farrowing crates while nursing, or the egg-laying hens kept in battery cages so small they cannot turn around. Efforts and legislation to address such confinement are often met with fierce opposition from animal agriculture. Factory farming is a highly secretive industry, and laws known as Ag-Gag laws have only exacerbated that problem, keeping the public in the dark when it comes to the way animals and industry workers are treated. Undercover work featuring hidden-camera footage and images captured by investigators and whistleblowers is often our best glimpse at what happens inside factory farms. Time and again, investigations reveal animal abuse that may be shocking to many consumers. Many practices considered standard on factory farms, such as the debeaking of birds and castration of piglets without anesthesia, are in fact quite painful for animals. Other standard procedures like the routine separation of calves from their mothers on dairy farms also cause suffering in these animals. Other documented incidents of abuse include animals stabbed and kicked, slapped and shoved, thrown and stomped on and often, in the case of those who cannot even survive long enough to make it to the slaughterhouse, culled or left to slowly die.